
Adrafinil (CRL-40028)


what is Adrafinil kick in time

In goes, adrafinil modafinil is the final product some 60-90 minutes later

Is adrafinil like Adderall?

Yes, somewhat it is.



Score: 5.00 (votes: 1)
Reviews: 1
  • $56.45
In stock

What is the best adrafinil product to purchase?

Modafinil, provigil, armodafinil, nuvigil and adrafinil are all family.

It also includes a few others

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how long does adrafinil stay in your system

Adrafinil (CRL-40028) is widely believed to have potential as an antidepressant.

Animal studies suggest that it may very well contribute to a significant improvement in aging and neurodegenerative disorders that involve depression.

Human studies on this aspect of CRL-40028 are limited, except for a two-month study involving 70 depressed patients.

The study showed that adrafinil treated depressive symptoms with fewer adverse psychological side effects as effectively as clomipramine, a known antidepressant,

In a 28-day study of 81 non-institutionalized patients, those who took adrafinil showed much-lowered levels of depression and reduced apathy.‍


CRL-40028 metabolizes into modafinil which has been shown to act as a potent neuroprotectant, helping keep brain cells healthy and intact.

studies have shown it to even slow down the degenerative process associated with Parkinson’s disease.‍

It has also been shown to counteract neuroinflammatory processes caused by methamphetamine use.‍

Preliminary studies suggest its neuroprotective capability could play a role in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.‍

How It Works

Adrafinil does some indirect modulating of dopamine levels.

Dopamine is the neurotransmitter associated with the brain’s reward and pleasure responses.

Directly stimulation of dopamine release creates the highly amplified rise in dopamine levels typical of CNS stimulants.

After ingestion, Adrafinil metabolizes into modafinil in the liver thus gradually blocking the dopamine transporters from removing dopamine from the synapses.

This gradual and somewhat indirect action on the dopamine system is an essential feature of how modafinil works because it reduces the “rush” type of euphoria that is associated with addiction.‍

Modulation of neurotransmitters

Adrafinil and modafinil are also believed to positively modulate levels of two crucial excitatory neurotransmitters, glutamate, and norepinephrine. I

The result is an enhanced neuronal communication, which may improve memory, focus, and enhance general cognitive function.

Concentrations of CRL-40028 in the blood appear to peak at about one hour after ingestion, but because the conversion to its active form takes some time, neurological effects are generally not noted until after concentration peaks.

There is no available data long term data on adrafinil half-life in humans, but animal studies suggest a half-life of approximately five hours.

Many individuals consider Adrafinil is likely the most potent nootropic available that does not require a prescription.

It has been demonstrated to boost a wide assortment of functions.

Another study has proven the drug to affect increase and disposition levels of motivation positively.

The ideal nootropic for students looking to pick up an excess edge in the classroom or personnel who experience physical or psychological exhaustion.


Adrafinil powder is a successful way of reducing the feelings of sleepiness.

Currently, no studies have been run to assess this specific result.

The anecdotal reports imply roughly 12 hours of positive effects in promoting alertness and wakefulness.

The adrafinil family was made as a material to say as resistance to narcolepsy.

There is a very big distinction between a stimulant and alertness/wakefulness.


Adrafinil does not have stimulant properties such as the nervous or hyperactive tendencies of amphetamine-based medications.

The majority of men and women describe a more exceptional ability to concentrate, a feeling of clarity, or the capability to stay more without feeling tired.

Adrafinil may delay feelings of sleepiness and boost energy. Lots of individuals have reported a better memory while utilizing adrafinil.


Adrafinil may reduce appetite.

No studies have analyzed this effect, but it's worth nothing.

Consumers report that the absence of atmosphere hungry aids them to stay undistracted with their desire.

The loss of hope might be a negative impact or again based on your usage.


A lot of men and women report an enhanced mood correlating with the increase in mental clarity.

The effect was discovered in a study where dogs were awarded exhibited and adrafinil behavior and vigor.

Potentially, adrafinil has some advantages in preserving capacity.

Adrafinil dosage

Adrafinil dosing spoons are white and hold 85mg/scoop

Online sources report that dosing has been in the 300 mg range on an empty stomach.

The food and drug administration has not evaluated this, and neither is it approved for use by the world anti-doping agency in the competition.

All products listed and provided through our website are intended for research purposes only. We do not promote the personal use of these products. Products and services supplied by are not designed for use in food products or as any drug. Our products are not intended to treat, prevent, mitigate or cure any disease or medical condition.

    • SKU
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      30 g
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Product questions

  • SL McDowell
    Friday, September 25, 2020, 19:41

    Hi, do you have this in stock atm, thank you. New email:

  • Murray smith
    Sunday, July 19, 2020, 14:55

    Dose the Ardrafinil Come in capsules??

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