
TB 500-BPC 157 4mg Vial


Buy TB 500 BPC 157

Regenerex code name RGN-352, is an injectable form of thymosin beta 4 for treating nerve damage from peripheral neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and stroke, as well as prevent and repair cardiac damage resulting from heart attacks. 


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  • $36.66

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Regenerex completed clinical trials of RGN-352 (TB-500) among 80 healthy volunteers to evaluate its safety, and the company is engaged in intermediate-stage clinical studies testing its efficacy with peripheral neuropathy and other disorders.

Synthetic thymosin β-4 daily for 14 days appeared safe and well tolerated with no reported toxicity or adverse effects.

The manufacturer claims that “clinical research has shown that TB-500 helps to promote an increase in muscle growth with huge increases in endurance and strength noted”.

It has been promoted as a drug-free performance enhancing for equine use.

Stable and ready to be reconstituted upon arrival.

Figuratively speaking, the TB-500 peptide has the potential to change health and aging as it is currently defined.


Thymosin Beta or TB-500 is a synthetic polypeptide consisting of 43 amino acids. 

Its molecular formula is C12H35N56O78S, and it has a molecular weight of 4963.4408. 

It is referred to by many synonyms such as Tβ4, tb500, and Timbetasin.

TB 500 works with the cell binding protein actin to create a sequestering molecule within eukaryotic cells and promote cell differentiation.

Differentiation is a process where a cell changes from one cell type to another induces cytoskeleton migration as it acts on a cellular level. 

Thymosin 4 beta is found naturally in wounds fluid and has healing capabilities and has extremely effective anti-inflammatory actions. 

Due to a very low molecular weight, Tβ4 can traverse long distances and reach all tissues.

This leads to an obvious conclusion.

Cellular migration is an efficient means of connective tissue skeletal and muscular tissue growth and regeneration. 

BPC 157 For Sale

Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 is a small 15 amino acid that was isolated from gastric juice.

Its prime function seems to be to kickstart the repair of the intestinal tract.

Stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC-157 promotes growth, modulates nitric oxide. 

It is essential for tissue regeneration survival of the stomach and downstream organs.

BPC-157 Bodybuilding 

Synthetic BPC-157 peptide also accelerates muscle, tendon and bone healing (sports and other tissue and bone injuries).

Through several clinical studies, it has also been proved to repair and replace endothelial cells improving heart health.

BPC-157 prevents damage from NSAID and Antibiotics in the intestines liver and has direct neuroprotective effects on the brain.

"Body Protecting Compound" BPC-157 is widely accepted in the athletic community. 

For sufferers of Crohn's and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBS), BPC-157 may be nothing less than a life-saving treatment.

Research continues into the heart, vascular system, dementia, Alzheimer's, and overall organ health. 

Oral BPC 157

BPC 157 is orally bioavailable and is useful even at relatively low concentrations

Several studies claim deep tissue healing in response to the "oral" administration of BPC-157.

Each of these studies simulated the oral administration of the agent by injecting the peptide (body cavity). 

A 2015 human study was done on oral BPC-157 tablets, the results were not made public.

This Product is sold for laboratory research only.

Educational information purposes only.

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Product questions

  • Jeremiah
    Saturday, December 5, 2020, 21:36

    Can I get a link to your Facebook group?

  • Shawn
    Sunday, October 11, 2020, 08:47

    What would be the proper dosage and cycle length to repair a torn tendon (tennis elbow) how much should i use daily and for how long?

  • Darren
    Friday, July 10, 2020, 06:24

    Hi, do you sell TB-500 seperately or only mixed with BPC-157?

  • Jared
    Friday, June 26, 2020, 06:56

    The previous question is directed to the wrong email address. this one is correct. What are the total mg per bottle of BPC157 and TB500?

  • Grant Buchanan
    Thursday, March 26, 2020, 20:03

    Is the dosage 1ml per day everyday?

    If so, how much product should one order for a proper rehab protocol.

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